F.A.R.M. June/July Newsletter
The Club events are off to a great start! Now it’s
time for the County Fairs!!! Get your tractors ready for the pulls! Make
sure you hitches and wheelie bars are to the club
specifications. The rules are on our club website: www.thefarmclub.org or for tractor pull
questions contact Kyle Flynn at 513-275-2160.
The 2016 Tractor Trek was a success. There were 32 tractors and 69 people that
went on the tractor ride. Thank you to Gene Bustle and everyone that help him
with organizing this annual event. You did a great job as always.
The 2017 Tractor Trek will be on June 17th, so mark your calendars now!
We would like to send our condolences to the Bors
family for the passing of Bill Bors. We would
also like to send our prayers to the following Club members that are dealing
with health issues: Jerry Brown, Denise Siebert, Carol Patterson, Rachel Tieman, and Paul Robinson. Please keep them in your
thoughts and prayers.
Upcoming Club Events
July 22nd- Warren County Fair- Antique Tractor Pull (start time: 10am)
July 30th- Touch a Truck- Tractor display at the Fellowship Baptist Church (247
US-22 Maineville, OH from 10am-2pm)
August 5th-7th- Clermont County Antique Machinery Club Show (formally Stonelick Lake Show)- at the Clermont County Fairgrounds-
Antique Tractor Pull Friday August 5th (start time: 6pm)
August 13th- Cardboard Boat Regatta- at Oeders Lake
(Tractor display and volunteers for parking needed- start time: 10am)
For any questions, please contact one of our directors:
Jim Patterson: 513-234-7927, patterson7334@hotmail.com
Jim Hurst: 513-877-2765 or 513-623-4183
Roger Walker: 513-256-5803, wctractorguy@aol.com
Dave Siebert, treasurer, 937-603-4233, davedenisesiebert@gmail.com
Regina Flynn, secretary, 513-266-7414, Flynn_regina@yahoo.com